Universe is Alive !
Matthew GIROUX
License : Creative Common by SA
Universe's Soul!
Light is Living!
Material is Created!
Waves are Living!
The Void
Universe's soul!
Expanding universe
without turning off is a miracle.
Either universe is a miracle,
either it's a plant.
Universe's Soul !
Gravity acts in vacuum immediately.
Yet it uses a soul for it to exist.
So gravity acts in our universe
with another universe.
Universe's Soul !
Galaxies are spinning tops that spin very fast.
So the stars should be ejected from the galaxies.
But that's not the case.
So a soul makes each galaxy living
with another universe.
Universe's Soul !
Planet systems should not exist.
Indeed, the planets that revolve around the stars should be ejected from their orbit.
But that's not the case.
So a soul makes each star living with another universe.
Universe's Soul !
Two very distant particles can be linked.
This is called non-locality.
So universe's soul should lead galaxies and planets with non-locality.
Light is Living !
Light acts before it has arrived.
Indeed, an experiment by Alain ASPECT shows changes
at the moment when the light is emitted.
So a soul leads light through another universe.
Material is Created !
Galaxies should have died out for a long time.
But that's not the case.
So material is created just as the universe was created.
Knowledge of Totality
Readings by David ELBAZ
Videos of Jean-Pierre PETIT
Every living being is managed
by some soul's waves.
A plant grows
in the air as should
an universe in a vacuum.
So universe is a managed plant
by a soul in another universe.
Universe is essentially
made of emptiness.
Just like atoms,
it holds and does not destroy itself.
Plants organize themselves
in 99% vacuum.
So universe should be a plant
managed with another universe.
Atoms are made with vacuum at 99 %.
Yet the atoms hold and do not explode.
Is there a soul in every atom?
Waves are Living !
The vacuum waves act holographically,
So waves create images in mind.
Just as waves create material,
waves led by soul acts on material.
Waves are Living !
Brain does not contain consciousness.
It would be too big for a spider's brain, for example,
spider creating a web
with a very small brain also used to something else.
Spirit is therefore lead by a soul in another universe.
Waves are Living !
We have already experienced joint thoughts
in two separate rooms.
Waves can act in a vacuum.
So the waves are used to lead atoms with soul.
Indeed, these waves are fast enough to lead atoms.
Waves are Living !
SUPER-KAMIOKANDE in JAPAN is used to detect neutrinos.
Torsional waves going faster than light have been detected there.
Body can use these waves to destroy quickly a virus.
This explains body's speed.
Waves are Living !
Luc MONTAGNIER, kwown as NOBEL Prize winner, reproduces DNA with waves.
An MP3 player makes it possible to create DNA in a medium without waves.
So body uses waves to create itself.
Material is Created !
In the stars, waves merge to give a particle.
Particles merge to give the Higgs Boson.
The Higgs Boson creates the atom agglomerating particles.
L'Âme de l'Univers
L'Âme de l'Univers
L'Âme de l'Univers
L'Âme de l'Univers
L'Âme de l'Univers
La Lumière Vit !
La Matière se Crée !
La Matière se Crée !
Les Ondes Vivent !
Les Ondes Vivent !
Les Ondes Vivent !
Les Ondes Vivent !
Les Ondes Vivent !
Le Vide
Le Vide